Confused about whether “gekyume” is a name, slang, or just a made-up word? This phrase has evolved from a single meaning to multiple ones. Let’s explore everything about what gekyume is along with its usage examples.
What Does Gekyume Mean
Gekyume’s literal meaning is “higher or advanced plane of thought.” This term refers to a state of consciousness or awareness that surpasses ordinary thinking. In addition, this slang is often associated with themes of self-improvement and hope for a better future.
A few easy-to-understand gekyume use cases are described below.
Example 1
Colton: I have been trying to get into that Gekyume mindset lately.
Vera: Same, it’s about thinking beyond the surface.
Example 2
Ellis: What kind of phrase “I’m in the next gekyume of thinking” you sent in the group chat.
Maisie: Just nothing, don’t worry about it.
Example 3
Truman: Did you know the meaning behind Gekyume?
Winnie: Yeah, it’s all about reaching a higher level of thought.
Origin of Gekyume Slang
Gekyume originated from XXXTentacion which was the nickname of the singer “Jahseh Dwayne Onfroy.” In 2018, a statement from XXXTentacion “gekyume of thinking” came up on Instagram. It makes people curious about knowing its meaning. The Onfroy family defined the meaning in the sense of “next universe of thought” or “different state.”
Is Gekyume a Name?
Yes, gekyume can be utilized as a proper name for a person. The son of XXXTentacion was named “Gekyume” first. The name “Gekyume Onfroy” was chosen in honor of XXXTentacion, symbolizing the legacy. The basic idea was taken from Jahseh Dwayne Onfroy’s favorite game “Kingdom Hearts.”