What Does ftw Mean in Texting (With Examples)

Looking for the meaning of “ftw” because you received a text containing this string? “FTW” is an internet slang used worldwide, primarily on various Social networking sites, such as Facebook, Snapchat, or TikTok. Let’s explore the acronym “ftw” in this article along with its texting use cases.

What Does FTW Mean in Texting?

“Ftw” is shorthand for “For The Win”, similar to saying “in the first place” or “on top.” It aggressively expresses a positive attitude toward something, generally indicating enthusiasm, approval, or success when used in texting.


To have ftw slang understanding, let’s walk through some real-life scenarios which are given below:

Example 1

Ciaran: Any updates about this weekend’s plan?

Deacon: Hiking FTW! We’ll enjoy it a lot.

Example 2

Egon: Choose one, car or bike.

Farley: Car FTW!

Example 3

Logen: I’m gonna buy a MacBook Pro FTW.

Gelina: Great choice, you’ll get a lot of features in it.

Example 4

Romilly: Any tips for tomorrow’s meeting?

Lorcan: Hard work and confidence FTW.

ftw meaning and example

Alternate Meanings of FTW in Texting

Other meanings of “ftw” are considered as follows:

  • F*ck The World (not suitable for most contexts)
  • Forever Two Wheels (used by motorcycle enthusiasts)
  • Free Tacos Wednesday (a more playful interpretation)

Origin and History of FTW

The origin of “ftw” slang is obscure, but it likely originated from online gaming culture in the late 1990s. It’s written in various variations, such as FTW, Ftw, or ftw. The trend of this slang over the past two decades can be seen in the screenshot below.

Google trends graph showing ftw stats from 2004-present


What does “ftw” mean on Facebook?

“Ftw” is the acronym for “For The Win” on Facebook. Typing this slang is a convenient and quick way instead of writing complete words.

What does “ftw” mean in text?

“Ftw” means “For The Win” in text, indicating that something is the best, most successful, or “on top.”

Final Words on FTW

That’s all about what “ftw” means in texting. Now, you can understand this slang whenever encountered on the internet or received within any text message. Ensure to use “ftw” slang carefully in professional and non-professional communications.

  • Slangsense.com

    I break down the ever-evolving world of slang, decoding cultural phrases, and trends before they go mainstream. With expertise in linguistics and digital communication, I help people and brands stay ahead of modern language shifts. You can learn more about me here.

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