What Does Crodie Mean (With Examples)

Is someone saying “Crodie” to you on TikTok, Instagram, or Snapchat? It is a slang term that generally represents a close relationship with someone. Let’s explore deeply what does Crodie mean and what kind of close relation or emotions it shows.

What Does Crodie Slang Mean

Crodie means “Close Friend”, similar to say “Pal” or “Buddy”. Crodie is a matching term of “Brodie” which is the variation of “Bro”. Crodie is specifically dedicated to the singer Drake by Kendrick Lamar in an event. Its use shows the affection of someone toward a person regardless of gender. 

Examples of Using Crodie

Here are a few Crodie slang term examples that are used in real life.

Example 1

Carter: Crodie, Wyo?

Eliza: Nothing special, just chilling Carter.

Example 2

Griffin: I have 4 Crodie’s but you are my best one. 

Lily: Glad to hear that Griffin.

Example 3

Reid: Done with your presentation?

Maren: Yeah Crodie, what about you?

Example 4

Porter: Let me get a coffee for you Crodie.

Lennon: I will be there in 5 minutes my CLF. See you soon and Thanks!

Origin and History of Crodie

Crodie slang term originated from the Canadian capital Toronto. Kendrick Lamar uses it in his latest diss track repeatedly for Drake. As this happened in April 2024, the term Crodie started to be searched on different corners of the internet. The graph which is shown below indicates its popularity over time.

Image 15

Alternate and Similar Slang of Crodie

Sometimes, internet slang’s meaning varies from region to region or from profession to profession. Therefore, let’s explore some similar and as well alternate terms for Crodie.

Similar Cordie Meaning Slang: Crodie is recognized as a friend or close friend widely, there are some other slang on the internet that indicate the same meaning, such as:

  • CLF: Close Friend
  • BSF: Best Friend/Best Sister Friend
  • BFF: Best Friend Forever

Alternate Crodie Meaning: Crodie is a popular term in Western Side, however, it is also used in different fields and departments, such as:

  • Corporate Risk Optimization and Decision Integration Engine (Business/Finance)
  • Community Resource Organization for Development, Inclusion, and Education (Social Services/Community Development)
  • Clinical Research Operations and Data Intelligence Exchange (Medical/Healthcare)

Final Words

That’s all from what does Crodie mean. Now, you can understand and utilize this slang term “Crodie” well after analyzing the context of a convo. Make sure not to use Crodie in professional communications as it sounds informal or casual when used. 

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