Bombastic Side Eye Meaning – Explained

Someone giving you a bombastic side eye on TikTok, Snapchat, or Instagram? Such expressions leave one wondering what happens or why someone is doing so. This article will explain what does bombastic side eye mean.

Exploring Bombastic Side Eye Meaning

Bombastic side eye is the facial expressional behavior in which someone moves their eye buttons to the most left or right side without changing the face direction. It is a ridiculous way of showing judgment, disgustingness, or disapproval of someone’s action, statement, or situation. As human beings’ behaviors are most of the time natural, however, bombastic side eye sometimes can be intentional.

Bombastic Side Ey

Where did Bombastic Side Eye Come From

On TikTok, someone gets a creator’s attention by commenting “yk you love me” and the creator reacted with a bombastic side eye with different tones in a video. That sound/tone in which creators repeated side eye, started to be used as background audio. One of the user duets that included the phrase “bombastic side eye” went viral which caused this term to spread rapidly.

Bombastic Side Eye Meme on TikTok

“Criminal Offensive Side Eye” is a meme majorly on the TikTok platform which is derived from “bombastic side eye”. People use bombastic side eye audio and give dirty looks at something which indicates shock or disapproval expression.

Bombastic Side Eye Emoji

In texting, there are also some emojis that represent the bombastic side eye, such as:

👀Eyes emoji which is more likely to be seen on the left side gives a bombastic side eye
😏Smirking face emoji watching all left but have a little smile on the face
😒Unamused face emoji looking on all left but have little sadness on the face
🙄A thinking emoji round its eyes left-top somehow giving a minor bombastic side eye

Final Words on Bombastic Side Eye

That’s all from what the bombastic side eye means. Now you can easily understand the bombastic side eye meaning as well as use it if necessary according to a situation. Avoid using it in an expressional way or within text in professional or serious communications because bombastic side eye is an informal term.


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