GTS OTP Meaning (Texting, TikTok, & Snapchat)

Have you seen people using “Gts Otp” or “gtsotp” on TikTok, Instagram, or Snapchat while texting? It is a slang term whose abbreviation is “Go To Sleep On The Phone.” Let’s get into more details by breaking its meaning along with real-life usage examples.

What Does Gts Otp Mean

Gts Otp is the acronym for “Go to sleep on the phone.” It is a social media trend in which two people go to sleep while talking to each other on the phone. It is similar to the TikTok fastop or fatop challenge which stands for falling asleep on the phone.

One TikTok user created a video on the trend #GTSOTP and it went viral with 300K+ likes and millions of views. In the video, the creator shares an honest reaction to going to sleep with someone else with a phone that caught the people’s interest.

Moreover, the comments under the video are so engaging because people have shared their experiences as well using this slang.

Comment On Gts Otp Tiktok Video


Example 1

Eliza: What is your plan for tonight?

Carlos: Nothing special, how about gts otp. 

Example 2

Naomi: Cutie patootie let gts otp so we can hear each other’s voice first tomorrow.

Diego: Alright, I’m down. 

Example 3

Milo: What makes the people gts otp? It’s so uncomfortable.

Camila: You will never know if you don’t put your foot in someone else’s shoe.

Example 4

Caleb: I just woke up from gts otp 😭, I slept so well bro.

Isabel: Same, I’m also feeling great.

Gts Otp

Alternate GTS OTP Meanings

Other meanings of this phrase in texting or on different internet corners can vary depending on context. GTS OTP can alternatively stand for:

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How GTS OTP Slang Can Be Used With Emojis

Emojis are a powerful way to convey expressions and emotions during text messages. Whether you have received “gts otp” from a girl or a guy while texting on Snapchat like platforms, emojis will emphasize the emotions in the same way. One can use multiple types of emojis while saying go to sleep on the phone, such as a heart, happy, or, annoyed smiley. 


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